M Series & BlokPak 3000
Model: M-Series
M-Series Industrial Compactors are built tough for the high demands of transfer stations or heavy industrial applications.
These compactors can be mounted on a stand to compact directly into the transfer trailer. Extended snouts can also be added to aid in clean break-a-ways. The RAWHIDE™ is a special option that can be applied to the M-Series 1475 Compactor. It has a 48″ ram penetration that is especially beneficial for packing out transfer trailers for a clean break-a-way.

Model: BlockPak 3000
The BlokPak® 3000 Transfer System is our largest transfer system industrial compactor. It compacts waste against a vertical gate, forming a 10-foot (3-meter) log in the compaction chamber.
Each log is then ejected into the transfer trailer. The BlokPak continues this process until maximum payload is achieved. When the trailer is full, the BlokPak can continue to be fed while changing trailers, saving valuable time.

The BlokPak® 3000 Transfer System is another innovative product for high volume processing of municipal solid waste for transfer to the landfill. The powerful compaction force produces maximum payloads at an affordable price. The system compacts waste against a gate in a compaction chamber forming 8-10 foot long logs. The logs are then ejected into a transfer trailer. After the trailer is full, the waste can continue to be processed waste while changing trailers saving valuable time.
Compaction Chamber
The BlokPak has a compaction chamber that densely compacts the waste before it’s ejected into the transfer trailer. This enables much lighter duty, open-top trailers to be used.
Dense Waste Logs
The BlokPak forms 10-foot (3-meter) logs of densely packed waste.
Deep Ram Penetration
The BlokPak has a 5-foot 1,5- meter) ram penetration. This ejects the final log into the trailer with very little spillage.
Maestro Colour Touchscreen
The BlokPak control station features the Maestro™ color touch-screen interface, which provides programming and diagnostics for the unit.
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